
ETOP - 20+ years experience in Customizable Solutions for Automotive Wire Harnesses and Cable Assemblies

How to place an order on cable assemblies?
Please contact ETOP WIREHARNESS LIMITED Service Team if you need to place an order on cable assemblies. Be crystal clear about what you are ordering. Always ask, clarify and reiterate all of your points with our sales representative. And to make sure we follow each of the steps you want, please clearly state things with a written record, such as order email or purchase contracts and agreements. Except for product details, there should also include things such as shipment arrangement and third-party quality tests.
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ETOP Wire Harness is a Chinese manufacturer of automotive electrical connectors established years ago. We are highly appreciated for our experience and expertise. ETOP Wire Harness's main products include cable assembly series. ETOP engine wiring harness is manufactured based on sound design/engineering principles. Careful consideration must be given to the surrounding climate, maintenance procedures and control systems. The product has passed the salt spray tests, which means it's anti-corrosion. This product has a smooth operation due to numerous times of quality testing. Excellent electrical conductivity is one of the biggest selling points of this product.
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Automotive electrical connectors is the basic service philosophy of ETOP Wire Harness and its connotation advances with times. Ask online!

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